Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Warehouses4Good believes that all our stakeholders have the right of equal access to and participation in our resources and mission. We will achieve that by understanding and embracing core principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The principle of diversity not only recognizes that we operate in a community of people having different racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, class, and other distinctions, but also that those differences contribute to our collective well-being. Embracing everyone in our community, precisely because of their differences, improves our ability to achieve our mission.

The principle of equity requires that no one’s identity as a member of any group confers any advantage or disadvantage as we pursue our goals in society or the work of our organization. It is manifested as justice, impartiality and fairness within our procedures, processes, and distribution of resources.

The principle of inclusion is the call to action to both seek diverse stakeholders for our mission and ensure their equitable participation in realizing it.

These principles drive specific guidance as outlined below and updated periodically as determined by our Board:

  • We will determine measures for demonstrating our compliance with this policy and be transparent in collecting and reporting that data.
  • We are committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all our departments, programs, and worksites.
  • We will commit time and resources to create diverse participation within our board, staff, committee, and advisory bodies.
  • We will treat each other with dignity and respect, seeking to use our differences to build and create rather than divide or diminish.
  • Each of us has the right to address systemic inequities by challenging the assumptions and established practices that permit it. Leaders must then address any deficiencies in a manner consistent with our mission.
  • This policy and associated guidance shall be reflected in our strategic plan, hiring and employment practices, and engagement with the communities we serve.